Digital Peacebuilding: Integrating Technology with Peacebuilding Practices
Hein Paing Htoo Chit
October 16 to December 4, 2023 | Monday
3:00 PM – 6:00 / 6:30 PM, Philippine Time [UTC+8]
Course fee: US$475 | PhP26,000 per online course
Discounted Fee: US$450 or PhP24,750 for those who submit their application on or before September 20, 2023.
This is an introductory and participatory online course designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to leverage digital tools and strategies for effective peacebuilding in today's interconnected world. This course is ideal for individuals who have a basic understanding of peacebuilding practices and want to refresh their knowledge while exploring the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the digital era.

Preferred Participants:
Peacebuilding Practitioners, NGO and Nonprofit Workers, Community Leaders, and Social Activists.
Introduction to Conflict Transformation, Fundamentals of Peacebuilding, Introduction to Peacebuilding Theory and Practice, or an equivalent course or experience.
Additional Requirements:
- Laptop or tablet preferred
- Reliable, stable and hopefully high-speed internet connection
- Webcam and microphone
- Zoom account
- Note-taking tools
Course Orientation: MPI will organize an orientation for the Digital Peacebuilding course before the first day of class. The orientation will cover important information and a short demonstration of the learning platform and various online tools and applications.

Dr Hein Paing Htoo Chit is an educator, peacebuilder, and social entrepreneur. He graduated from the University of Medicine Magway in 2015. He then traveled to conflict-affected areas across Myanmar to serve as a primary and emergency healthcare doctor. In 2016, he founded SEED for Myanmar, a community library that later developed into a social impact organization. In addition to his role as executive director of SEED for Myanmar, Dr. Hein works as a freelance consultant focusing on peacebuilding and socioeconomic development. He is also an alumnus of the Konrad Adenauer School of Young Politicians, an Advancing Leaders Fellow of World Learning, a Professional Fellow of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative, and a Generation Change Fellow of the United States Institute of Peace. He received his Master of Business Administration degree in 2020. Dr. Hein has also served as President of the US Ambassador's Youth Council, a mentor for the Professional Fellowship Program of the Youth Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative, and the Myanmar Youth Country Liaison of the Generation Change Fellowship Program of the United States Institute of Peace. He is currently serving as a board member of Build Up, an organization committed to building peace through technology and transforming conflicts in the digital age.