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Article About MPI Wins Award

Article About MPI Wins Award

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An article about the Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute that was published in Misioneros, a Spanish publication about the work of Maryknoll Missioners, won an award from the Catholic Press Association of the United States & Canada. The article, Un Refugio para Fomentar la Paz Mundial (A Refuge for Peacebuilding) took second place in the in the 2018 Awards, "Best Story and Photo Package."

Co-authored by Kimberly Asencio and Fred Goddard, the CPA wrote:

The topic of this story—the work of peace builders in the Philippines—is important and consequential. The translated
story is well illustrated, with a lovely, moody lead photograph and several photos that are used efficiently in a clean,
easy-to-read layout.

You may read the Spanish version here:

The English version can be found here:

Fred, MPI's Technical and Instituational Capacity Building Officer, worked with Maryknoll for 26 years, serving as a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in the Philippines (with MPI Director Chris Vertucci, also a Maryknoll Lay Missioner at the time) and in Nicaragua, with his wife, Jeanette. He also worked in the United States and served as the Excutive Coordinator for the Maryknoll Affiliates.